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Thursday, January 16, 2014

What Is My Passion Thursdays: Meet Chanelle Yarber

Chanelle is the managing consultant behind BrightGirl Media. She has been an entrepreneur and communicator for as long as she can remember. She loves media and communications as well as helping others succeed. She has produced video and managed media for numerous brands during her career, including Samsung Mobile USA, NEC Casio, T.D. Jakes Ministries, Jet/Ebony Publications and Frito Lay.  She currently lives in Dallas, Texas. 

Here is Chanelle, in her own words, sharing her passion in finding her purposeful career and how you can too.

My passion and purposeful career is a digital media manager. I have considered and pursued a NUMBER of career choices! I've been in sports sales and marketing, mortgage broker and real estate investor and even a flight attendant! None of those jobs felt purposeful or gave me the energy to get up and make a LIFE, not just a living. I was once told that once you've found the thing you would do for free you've found your passion. I would create digital media (video, photo and written content) even if I wasn't paid for it. 

I have made many sacrifices in pursuing my career. I have let go of jobs in order to get to my passion. I have moved across country, and even sacrificed parts of my personal and social life to take on projects and focus on building my career.

I would advise others to just do it. Thinking about it, mulling over it, and asking others about it will keep you stagnant and likely will incite fear if you wait too long to step out. You only have one life to live and life is too short to spend it unhappy or unfulfilled. We each have gifts, talents and passions that need expression. Don't hold them back or put them off for what the world calls "financial security." With consistency the money will come. 

I can be found on Facebook (, Twitter (@brightgirlmedia), Instagram (brightgirlmedia), Google+ (BrightGirl Media) or via my website

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